
July 6, 2006 at 12:54 pm (crumbled, dinosauer, drinking, drugs, evite, Family, Friends, gambling, guilt, love, real estate, realtor, reflection, relatives, Uncategorized, wordpress)

The fourth of July weekend has been a perfect time for me to reflect about friends and family.  I spent a large majority of the time thinking  about the great relationships I have and how lucky I am. Realizing some my friends i have known for twenty plus years makes me feel old.  At my small gathering this weekend I noticed there was a couple people missing. They relationships that I had for so long had crumbled.

In life you can either go forward or backward, nuetral is never an option. Thanks to poor decisions of gambling, drinking, and drugs some people have been erased. They maybe still roaming the earth just not in my life. Guilt crosses my mind. Maybe I could of done something to help them. They always make it seems it was the circumstance that put them in this situation or it was somebody elses fault. They only person they can blame is themselves.


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